Building a Scientific Research Vessel
Topic: In this team-based, hands-on activity, students design and build a seaworthy vessel that floats in water and can hold a specific amount of weight.
Time: 60 minutes; implemented in one session
Computer with projector and Internet access
PowerPoint: Building a Scientific Research Vessel
Pre-Activity Checklist
Tell My Story Form
Student Handout: Building a Scientific Research Vessel
Challenge (1 per student)
Pen/pencil (1 per student)
Metric ruler (1 per team)
2 rolls of aluminum foil
4 rolls of duct tape
2 rolls of plastic wrap
50 Popsicle sticks
25 straws
20–30 corks
300 pennies
25 skewers
50–60 LEGOs
1 ball of string
2 long plastic containers (e.g., Rubbermaid) filled with water (minimum 24 inches long x 12 inches wide x 8 inches deep)
Cost: US$20 (excludes optional items) in materials costs when completing this activity with 20 students organized into teams of three or four students.