The Design Challenge
Topic: Students will apply design and engineering principles in the Marshmallow Challenge, learn about human-centered design principles, and apply STEM²D disciplines to complete a design challenge around oral hygiene.
Time: 4 hours and 30 minutes; implemented in one session
Computer with projector, speakers, and Internet access
PowerPoint: The Design Challenge
Activity Leader Checklist
Tell My Story Form
Student Handouts (1 packet per student)
1 bag uncooked spaghetti (20 pasta sticks per team)
1 roll of masking tape (1 yard or 1 meter per team)
1 ball of string (1 yard or 1 meter per team)
1 bag of marshmallows (1 marshmallow per team)
1 ream of copy paper (10 sheets per team)
Colored pencils (1 pack per team)
Markers (1 pack per team)
Regular-sized sticky notes (1 pad per team)
Different types of arts and crafts paper and material (cardboard, construction paper, felt, pipe cleaners, Styrofoam, etc.; at least one of each of these items per team)
Ruler or tape measure
Large flipchart paper
Cost: US$93 in materials costs when completing this activity with 20 students organized into four teams of at least three students.