Biomimicry in Design and Engineering
Topic: Students learn how nature and the living world provide inspiration for addressing the world’s challenges. Using creative thinking and problem-solving skills, students design a structure or product inspired by nature.
Time: 60 minutes; implemented in one session
Computer with projector and Internet access for the presentation, plus additional computers/devices connected to the Internet for student use
PowerPoint: Biomimicry in Design and Engineering
Pre-Activity Checklist
Tell My Story Form
Student Handout: Biomimicry Challenge (1 per student)
Student Handout: Design Ideas (1 per student)
Student Handout: Biomimicry Resources, 1/2 sheet per team
Pen/pencil (1 per student)
Flip chart paper (1+ page per team)
Colored markers (1 pack per team)
Cost: US$10 in materials costs (including optional items), assuming scissors, rulers, container of water, crayons or colored markers are available) when completing this activity with 25 to 35 students organized into teams of four or five students.